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What You Need To Know About Land Surveying

Developers and builders rely heavily on a good land survey or mapping document. The city of Seattle is no different. In requesting the various types of surveys for civil engineering Seattle may specify one of several surveying services, which allows it to move ahead on planned construction. In this way, needed construction can move forward more efficiently.

Types of Surveys

Different engineering and survey firms provide different services. These can include inspections, ALTA surveys, construction monitoring, topographic surveys, wetland flag/critical area designations, construction staking, platting and even aerial/UAV mapping.

It's the engineering firm that will provide a complete list of services to a private company or government agency, which allows them to make the best decisions.

How a Survey Allows Us to "See" Land

It's easier for most people to understand a place they haven't seen if they can view it as an image. This is what a good survey does. It lays out the parcel in a large picture. Each area is identified, including the area where a possible building or development will be built.

When someone tries to understand a page of words, numbers and text about a given land parcel, they have to work at it. By seeing that same parcel in a well-drawn picture, they are able to visualize how the land looks today and how it might look with a new development or building.

City officials have to consider the land parcel's size and its shape. They also need to see the boundaries of this parcel, various features of surrounding land and the parcel's boundaries in relation to surrounding monuments or buildings.

Can Surveys be Used for Construction Planning?

The well-drawn survey easily allows engineers and contractors to see measurements, boundaries and surrounding buildings or land.

This document should also make clear where the parcel begins, how the land flows, the relationship between the parcel being considered and parcels around it.

Information about the owner and identification of the parcel should also be easily located, making it easy for everyone involved in the construction of a new building to contact the owner.


Photo credit: unsplash-logoRicardo Gomez Angel

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