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Three Things to Find About Before You Hire a Lawyer

Hiring a new lawyer can be a very stressful activity, especially since you are already under stress from the legal situation that is causing you to need a lawyer in the first place. If you don't have a lot of past experience in the court system or legal world, you may not even know where you should begin to look for a lawyer. It's great to get suggestions from friends and family that know that you are in need, but you can also get recommendations from your local bar association, which has a directory of lawyers that are available for you. Start there, then consider these issues before you hire a lawyer.

What is The Lawyer's Area of Expertise?

You don't want to hire just anyone to take care of your case, no matter how smart or likable they might be. You want someone who has expertise in the specific area of the law that pertains to your case. Make sure that you find out what area of the law this lawyer specializes in by asking him or her about his or her experience. For example, if you need an intellectual property attorney, find one with a history of success in that area like Donald J. Curry. This will increase your odds of success in the courtroom.

Have They Published On the Subject?

Not every working lawyer is also writing articles and publishing on the subject of their field. However, it's a good sign if they have written anything pertaining to your case or the subject at hand. Of course, you should keep in mind that some lawyers are better at technical aspects of certain areas of the law while others have other specialties.

Do They Have the Resources That They Need?

If your case is complicated or involves a number of players, you'll probably want a lawyer who has the resources that they can devote to dealing with it. Does your situation involve a lot of paperwork, and if so, does your lawyer have the staff on hand to complete the task? Will you need an investigator to look into some aspects of your case? Does your lawyer work with a firm of other qualified attornies or have a partnership with other lawyers? Don't be afraid to ask questions of any lawyer, and then you can hire the best.


Photo credit: unsplash-logoMari Helin-Tuominen

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