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Renovating Dilapidated Properties for Community Gardens

Urban neighborhoods are littered with abandoned, dilapidated, and condemned properties that are in need of renovation. While the structures on those lots may be in too poor of a condition to save, the property that sits underneath the buildings can be used in many different ways; this is how many community gardens are born. These gardens offer local residents a place to become creative, relax, and grow their own flowers or food. It's a great opportunity for local youth to explore the wonders of gardening, too.

Obtaining the Property

Once an ideal property is found, it must be purchased before work can begin. Many organizations will buy these properties for this very purpose, including charitable, low-income, and religious organizations. However, an individual will need to qualify for financing or buy the property with cash. Once the deed is obtained, work can begin.

Removing Old Structures, Trash, and Brush

Many properties that are abandoned or fall into disrepair will require a lot of cleaning. A qualified demolition company in Charlotte, NC will be required to demolish old structures, removing all material from the property. Afterwards, all trash and junk will need to be disposed of. Finally, large trees and brush must be removed to allow the plants in the community garden to receive sunlight. On some properties, it may be advisable to remove existing topsoil, as well. A soil test will reveal any toxins that have settled into the ground, which wouldn't be ideal for edible gardens.

Building the Community Garden

Once the property is ready, compost, raised beds, and mulch can be brought in. Raised beds are ideal for community gardens because they allow for pathways and clear borders for individual garden plots. Benches can be placed throughout the garden, giving the local residents a tranquil place to ponder their thoughts.

Transforming a neglected, forgotten property into a flourishing community garden plot is an incredible project to tackle. The beautiful gardens that grow because of these projects will be cherished for years, and generations, to come.


Photo credit: unsplash-logochuttersnap

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