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Racial Equality is Being Promoted

In these days of increased racial tensions, it is important and refreshing to have someone out there who is busy promoting racial equality and the proper and fair attitudes about race, socio-economics, politics, gender equality, education, the pursuit of happiness, and who believes that the wise use of words advances society. That person is Janice S. Ellis, who has been an author, writer of newspaper and radio columns, and speaker for over 30 years.

Having grown up in Mississippi as an African-American woman on a little cotton farm during the times of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement, she was very aware of how blacks and women were seeking to exercise the right to vote, the fight for equal rights for women, and other privileges that whites and men received.

Although Janice's life has been mostly as an executive in government, then of a pharmaceutical company, and as the CEO and President of a marketing company, she also made a determination to take a stand and to use the talents of the power of words that she was blessed with to help with the improvement of the human condition.

Janice also has an amazing educational record since she has a Ph.D. in Communication Arts and two Master of Arts degrees, one in Political Science and one in Communications Arts.

She has written a column for major and community newspapers and radio commentaries about social issues affecting people throughout the country for many years. Her is an online educational magazine about ethnicity and race., the companion site, covers race relations events and news in the United States and throughout the world.

Janice's book, "From Liberty to Magnolia: In Search of the American Dream" tells of her personal pilgrimage during those tumultuous times of the 1960s and 1970s and about the resulting effects of the Equal Rights Amendment and Civil Rights Act. It shows others, especially minorities and aspiring women, how to discover their inner strength, pursue their goals, defy any odds, navigate and triumphantly embrace the major challenges that present themselves, and achieve a meaningful purpose in their lives.


Photo credit: unsplash-logoHannah Busing

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