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Importance of Medical Instrument Repair

How medical practitioners have maintained their surgical equipment over the last century has changed in leaps and bounds. Hot water and alcohol soon switched to autoclave machines which sterilized all bacteria. This was fine for metal-based surgical equipment. However, once electronics and microcomputers were introduced, the process became more repair and clean instead of just clean. As the 2010s quickly come to a close, people use terms like endoscopy cameras and harmonic scalpel repair in their everyday requests for equipment.

And this means hospitals and 24-hour emergency clinics require locations which handle these types of fixes. Without these repairs shops, medical budgets would skyrocket from the amount of new equipment they would need to purchase each time something broke down.

This is where medical instrument repair services like Benjamin Biomedical come into play. Normally contracted out by medical facilities, the shops work to ensure the delicate electronic equipment use to diagnose and save lives is always in working condition. Should you be one of these medical locations, consider the following when choosing a repair shop.

Most important is the turnaround time, especially if you have a limited amount of endoscopic cameras or harmonic scalpels. Depending on their specialties, look for a turnaround time of 48 hours. The maximum turnaround time should be around three business days. If they require additional time for repair, then see if they offer the ability to use another product in the meantime.

Next important is sterilization of equipment at the time of repair. Request details on where repairs are done. For instance, do they use a clean room. Also, find out what their testing qualifications are. If they're the right company, then they should perform sterilization testing to ensure repairs can withstand daily operations.

Something else to consider is warranty. While there may be an original warranty connected to the product you need to know if the repairs they make come with a warranty and if the product can be returned for additional fixes if it doesn't work. The other thing to ask about is replacement of the product should it be beyond their scope of repair.

The last critical thing to examine is the cost. With the technological range of today's medical equipment, repairs to the digital components costs a great deal. Ensure the repairs, warranties, and service received equal the cost they charge. Don't be afraid to shop around to other biomedical companies around the area to see what they offer as well.


Photo credit: Benjamin Biomedical

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