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Crystals Are Fascinating

Crystals and gemstones have been put to use by wizards and shamans for thousands of years for healing and many esoteric applications. As far back as 3500 B.C., the Egyptians employed amethyst and quartz for their intuitive, healing, and protective properties. Crystal gazers since the Middle Ages have been able to use those spheres like windows to see past and future faraway places.

Modern-day healers and visionaries have contributed to the resurgence of popularity for mythology and folklore regarding crystals and their “vibrations” and energizing powers. New Age crystals and gemstones are still actually the ancient ones, and they have the same qualities, but there is a new awareness of what they are supposed to do.

Here are some examples:

1. Spiritual or healing energy is thought to transmit at high psychic frequencies or vibration levels. Consequently, an incredible body of lore is quickly developing relative to the healing and energizing powers of crystals.

2. Clusters of crystals disburse energy in many directions and vibrate differently from single crystals. They are good at dissipating negative energy, for instance from some individuals at your workplace.

3. For assistance in pleasant dreaming, use quartz crystals or jade.

4. Rose quartz in the forms of points, spheres, obelisks, hearts, and jewelry increases one's self-esteem and improves the love life.

5. Lapis lazuli will reduce stress.

6. Use smokey quartz to dissolve emotional blockages and negative energies and to ground yourself.

7. Amethyst clears the aura, meaning energy field, and allows you to get in touch with your intuition and inner self.

8. Rainbow crystals lighten one's mood, especially for those experiencing grief, sadness, or depression.

9. Aquamarine and azurite promote calmness.

10. Open your intuition and psychic abilities by using labradorite.

11. Carnelians give courage and encourage speech expression.

12. Chrysocolla has a positive effect on one's financial situation.

13. Moonstones are the Moon Goddess' stones that will aid in overcoming one's broken heart and offer the hope of a new beginning just like a new moon does.

Where to Get Beautiful and Unique Crystals

Crystal Peddler is a national distributor that ships anywhere in the nation from their Broomfield, Colorado, location. They not only sell high-quality crystals including Austrian and Egyptian and Swarovski ones and specialize in wholesale distribution to retailers, but they also offer meditation and herbal products and many other exceptional items that increase positive vibes and spiritual experiences.

Contact Crystal Peddler with any questions you may have or to get more details on their best-selling products and hottest new offers.


Photo credit: Crystal Peddler

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