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Bailing Out

Seeing someone you love in jail can be heartbreaking. With the help of a bail bondsman, you can be reunited with that person again so that you have time to spend together and so time to prepare for going to court. When you contact a bail agent, there are a few pieces of information that you need to be prepared to give. Let the agent know the name of the jail and the location because there could be multiple jails with the same name. You also need to let the agent know of the bond amount and the charges. Give the agent the full name of the person and the booking number if you know the information. If you don't know the booking number, then give the agent the date of birth of the inmate. Once the bail bond Weld County CO agent knows this information, then he can give you an amount that you would need to pay in order for your loved one to be bailed out of jail until the court date.

For most cases, you won't get your money back after it's been given to the agent. This is the money that you paid for the release of your family member or friend and is often an amount that is a percentage of the bond amount. If the person is arrested before going to court or doesn't go to court, then you could be held responsible for the entire bond amount depending on the circumstances involved. If you think that the person won't go to court after being released, then you need to contact the agent as soon as possible so that the proper protocols can be put in place. As with all services that are provided, bail agents can offer discounts and can offer fees that are less expensive than others depending on the charges, the ties to the community, and if the agent thinks that the person can be trusted.


Photo credit: unsplash-logoTbel Abuseridze

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